I’m super proud mom announcing that my oldest daughter wrote and illustrated a children’s book, called “Tara The Dolphin”. We self-published on Amazon. It was a really fun project for us to do together as well. She also has a book of poems and art from her Covid year in school called “Summer Fun Unmasked”.
We would love your support. Buy the paperback or e-book on Amazon! If you love it, please leave a review. If you have Kindle unlimited, you can read it free on your Kindle device or Kindle app on your tablet. We also have a few copies for sale in the office.
- Tara The Dolphin: https://amzn.to/3w5P0aN
- Summer Fun Unmasked: https://amzn.to/3KYpSqF
We’re also having an Author Showcase Event at the Twin Hickory Library where you can hear her read the book and buy a book and get it signed. The event is on June 13th, 2022 at 7 pm. Learn more here: https://henricolibrary-va.libcal.com/event/9177759
Thank you for indulging me and letting me share about my daughter, Shreya.