To help you look your best, Dr. Pradhan offers the following Aesthetic treatments:
- Lumenis M22 Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) for Dry Eye disease, Rosacea and more! (For skin types 1-4)
- Lumenis M22 ResurFX for skin resurfacing, acne scars, surgery scars and more! (for all skin types)
- Lumenis OptiPlus Radiofrequency Machine to help skin tightening as well as dry eye disease.
- Xeomin (botulinum toxin) injections for frown lines, forehead lines, crows feet and more! (for all skin types)
- NuVissa Plasma Pen for skin rejuvenation including droopy eyelids and fine lines around your eyes and face! (for skin types 1-4) and for conjunctival chalasis contributing to dry eye disease.
- NuVissa Electrophoresis for dry eye disease and meibomian gland dysfunction (for all skin types)
Since December 2017, Dr. Pradhan has been the first Ophthalmologist in the greater Richmond area using the phenomenal IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technology on the Lumenis M22 machine for dry eye disease and meibomian gland dysfunction. The IPL helps photocoagulate dilated blood vessels, photo-rejuvenate the skin and help the function of the Meibomian glands of the eyelids, helping improve the quality of the meibum produced. Patients have loved the IPL treatment results: eyes with less redness and burning, eyelids less itchy and overall comfort of their eyes significantly improved.
Additionally, we have witnessed wonderful changes in patients’ faces such as lightening of age spots, treatment of rosacea redness, and decrease of facial puffiness. To add to the aesthetics of the photofacial provided by the IPL, the ReSurFX is a non-ablative photo-fractional technique to help skin resurfacing with minimal downtime. The ReSurFX delivers the laser energy (1565 nm) in a controlled non-sequential pattern which helps reduce patient discomfort and post-treatment redness and swelling.
Since November of 2024, Dr. Pradhan added the Lumenis OptiPlus Radiofrequency device to further help patients with dry eye disease and meibomian gland dysfunction. The OptiPlus can also be used for skin tightening. Another benefit of the OptiPlus is that it can be used on all skin types (Fitzpatrick Skin Types 1-6) whereas the IPL can only be used in Fitzpatrick Skin Types 1-4. Contraindications are similar to IPL as listed below.
What does the IPL treat?
- Dry eye disease including contact lens intolerance, redness, meibomian gland dysfunction
- Rosacea including ocular rosacea and secondary blepharitis
- Hair removal
- Vascular lesions like hemangiomas, port-wine stains, spider angiomas, leg veins
- Age-spots (lentigines), freckles, Hyperpigmentation, dyschromia
What does the ReSurFX additionally treat?
- Melasma aka chloasma or mask of pregnancy
- Lentigines or sun-induced freckles or liver spots or age spots
- Peri-orbital wrinkles
- Acne scars
- Surgical scars
- Stretch marks aka striae
- Active infection, active cold sores, open lacerations/abrasions, skin bacterial or fungal infections
- Dysplastic nevi, skin cancer or precancerous lesion in the area of treatment
- Significant skin or inflammatory skin conditions, including vitiligo, psoriasis, lupus
- Exposure to sun 4-6 weeks pre-op or artificial tanning in last 2-3 weeks
- Tattoos
- Permanent dermal implants
- Botox/Xeomin in area of treatment in the last two weeks
- Use of retinol products in the last two weeks
- Bleeding disorders, use of anticoagulants
- Active acne or rosacea
- Pregnant, postpartum or nursing
- History of keloid scarring
- History of metal plates, rods or screws in the area of treatment
- History of herpes simplex
- Koebnerizing isomorphic diseases (vitiligo, psoriasis)
- Immunosuppressive diseases (including AIDS and HIV) or medications
- Uncontrolled disease like uncontrolled diabetes, epilepsy or congestive heart failure
- General photosensitivity (sun causing rash or allergic reaction)
- Oral isotretinoin (Accutane) within 6 months
- Any photosensitive medications or herbal supplements or cosmetics including antibiotics like doxycycline (ideally off for 2-3 weeks)
- For IPL – no Botox or fillers for 1 week before or 2 weeks after
- For ReSurfx – No fillers or volumizers, chemical peels or dermabrasion (w/in 3 months)
- For OptiPlus – no metal in the area of treatment including metal in the eye (istents, etc).
- No reflective or flammable items within room during treatment (including perfumes)
- Fitzpatrick skin type IV thru VI (may need treatment preop 4-8 weeks with creams to prevent scarring afterwards)
Post-treatment Care:
- You may have discomfort similar to a sunburn which is relieved cooling for 20-30 minutes
- Post-laser soothing gel/cream like hydrocortisone or aloe vera
- Sunblock SPF 30-50 in treated areas exposed to the sun and avoid direct sunlight x 2-3 weeks
- Keep treatment area clean and moisturized (emollient like Aquafor or Eucerin)
- No harsh cleansers/scrubs to face for next two weeks and avoid scrubbing your skin
- Can apply make-up 2-3 days later which is easy to remove if there is no broken skin
- With both IPL and Resurfx, you may expect redness for 1-5 days, swelling for 1-2 days
- With the ReSurfx, you may have “bronzed” appearance with dry flaking of microdots on skin for 3-10 days (may feel like fine sandpaper); AVOID picking or scratching the area of treatment
- Rarely itching and dryness.
- Rarely, you can have scarring or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or hypopigmenation (occurs between 2 weeks and 2 months after treatment) with the Resurfx. Please contact Dr. Pradhan
- If IPL done for dry eye disease on the eyelids, warm compresses to eyes for 10 min 2-3x per day for the next 3 days and then every night. (Mask available in our office for purchase)
Best results may be with a combination treatment (IPL + ReSurfx for aesthetics or IPL+OptiPlus for Dry Eye Disease) and you may need upto 4-6 sessions to achieve your desired results (approximately 4-5 weeks apart). You may need a touch-up treatment in 6-12 months.
The treatments are NOT covered by insurance.
Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions.
Dr. Pradhan wants you to have the best results you can! Call for an appointment with Dr. Pradhan!