NuVissa Plasma Pen

NuVissa Plasma Pen

NuVissa Plasma Pen for Conjunctivalchalasis

What is Conjunctivalchalasis?

It is basically extra loose wrinkled conjunctiva (the clear skin on the sclera/white part of the eye) which can cause irritation, a foreign body sensation, tearing, blockage of the tear ducts and at times contact lens intolerance.

What can the Plasma Pen do?

The NuVissa Plasma Pen can deliver plasma energy to shrink the loose tissue. This may require more than one treatment. Other treatment options, which are more invasive, include surgical resection of the loose conjunctiva with or without a conjunctival autograft or amniotic membrane graft, sometimes with tissue glue or sutures. In comparison, the plasma pen treatment is in the office with a quick recovery time and without a trip to the operating room.

NuVissa Plasma Pen for Conjunctival cysts

What are Conjunctival cysts?

Sometimes cysts form under the conjunctiva. Cysts have a lining of skin cells or epithelium and when those get under the conjunctiva after an injury, they can grow into a small cyst. These can cause irritation, foreign body sensation and sometimes block the tear duct.

What can the Plasma Pen do?

The NuVissa Plasma Pen can deliver plasma energy to deflate the cysts. At times, the cysts can reform but the majority of the time, they do not and it is a simple treatment prior to enbarking on surgery to remove the cysts.

NuVissa Plasma Pen for Loose Eyelids (Dermatochalasis)

What is Dermatochalasis?

Dermatochalasis is loose skin especially of the upper eyelids. It can range from mild to more extensive with eyelid hooding which can weigh down the eyelid and block the superior visual field and impair vision.

What can the Plasma Pen do?

The NuVissa Plasma Pen can deliver plasma energy to tighten the skin tissue and lift the eyelid skin. It is only effective for mild dermatochalasis. It can also make your appearance more youthful by helping fine lines on the lower lids and mild wrinkles on other parts of the face. The Plasma Pen can also be used inside the orbital bone (vs. the Lumenis M22 Resurfx laser which works well but cannot be used inside the orbital bone area).

For moderate or severe dermatochalasis, surgery with an Oculoplastics surgeon is recommended. Since this degree of loose eyelid skin can block the superior visual field, then we can give you a test for your surgeon to submit the surgery to insurance and potentially get it covered by your medical insurance as a medically indicated procedure. We can demonstrate that your vision is affected and surgery would improve it with a visual field test with a special ptosis protocol in the office.