
Financial Blog

Come and join me as I learn more. I will share small nuggets of knowledge and inspiration which will help us grow more in our financial and investment knowledge. In turn, we can make better decisions for our future and that of our family. 


Free membership/login is required to access the full content. 

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Financial and Real Estate courses

Courses created to help you learn more about personal finance and real estate investing. 

As I add more material, your current monthly subscription will give you full access to all past, present, and future courses. If there’s something you want to learn, I’ll also try to create to meet your needs 


Investment Opportunities

This will list all current deals open for you to invest in passively for solid cash flow and future return. This will also list past deals and past performance and lessons learned from those deals. 

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Resources and Affiliate Programs

Any programs or books I’ve used to learn and would recommend will be listed here. There may be some affiliate links that provide me some benefit as a referral but do not add any cost to you in purchasing the programs.


Why choose AP Legacy Investments?

Dr. Shilpi Pradhan is personally involved in the creation of the content of this website and aims to make personal finance and real estate investing a simple and fun learning process. The majority of the content on this site is FREE, with our focus on you learning the best choices of investments for you. 


Some time-intensive concepts are presented in a course format that is available at a low monthly price. You can finish a course as fast as possible to maximize your time and membership and cancel and re-sign anytime. The focus of all the courses is also to help you learn. 

5+ Years Experience

5 Star Rating

Quick Turnaround

Personalized Support

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