Dr. Pradhan’s Blog

Dry Eye Disease Management with Dr. Pradhan

Photo by Toni Ferreira Ph from Pexels

Do you suffer with blurry vision and don’t know the cause?

Do you wake up with your eyes feeling gritty and irritated?

Do you need to use drops all day long?

Did you know the solution could be as simple as adding the right omega-3 supplement to your regimen?

Buy the PRN DE3 Dry eye Formula and come see Dr. Pradhan for a dry eye consultation in person or via Telemedicine!

Imagine if you didn’t have to think about your eyes every day?

We can help get you there!

Watch a video about the power of a healthy diet in your life:


Photo by Wendy Wei from Pexels

Are you tired all the time?

Are you worried about your heart health or how to treat your diabetes?

Are you ready to change your life and nutrition to improve your life and health?

Learn about this patient’s story who suffered with inflammation throughout her body and her eyes.

She made a decision and changed her life and health!

Imagine if you could feel more in control of your health.

Set up a Telemedicine consult to talk to Dr. Pradhan and learn about Lifestyle Medicine and how it can help you!

Covid-19 Post

For those of you who want to learn more or think you may have the novel Coronavirus, Covid-19, the best place to keep up to date is the Virginia Department of Health website.  They are working on the best practices to keep us safe as well as tracking all cases, hospitalizations and deaths from this terrible virus.

Who is at risk of getting Covid-19? Everyone. That’s why the recommendation is to socially distance yourself (stay home) and wash your hands for 20 seconds (following the WHO guidelines to ensure full handwashing), disinfect surfaces, and now to wear a non-medical mask when in public (like grocery shopping). I would add it is important to take your vitamins and medications to keep your chronic diseases treated.

What’s the big deal about Covid-19? Some people will get very sick such as those older than 65 years of age, those living in a nursing home or long-term care facility, immunocompromised patients, and those with chronic lung or heart disease.

What are the symptoms of Covid-19? These are changing daily. It’s thought that patients can be asymptomatic for the first 1-5 days of infection and then develop a fever, cough, trouble breathing, decreased appetite, muscle or body aches, loss of smell and taste.  Generally, most patients will get better within 7-14 days.  It is advised to continue to self isolate for 3 full days after you no longer have a fever.

I hope everyone is staying home, staying safe and staying healthy. We will get through this pandemic.



Page 15 – “Many cases of cancer can be prevented” “Between 30 and 50 percent of all cancer cases are estimated to be preventable through healthy lifestyles and avoiding exposure to occupational carcinogens, environmental pollution and certain long-term infections.”

Page 25 – “Inappropriate nutrition at the whole body level is reflected in a disordered nutritional micro environment at the cellular and molecular levels. This can create an environment that is conducive to the accumulation of DNA damage and therefore to cancer development. Obesity is associated with inflammatory mediators, and metabolic and endocrine abnormalities, that promote cell growth and exert anti-apoptotic effects, meaning cancer cells do not self-destruct even following severe DNA damage.” And much more valuable information

Are YOU worth it? Get healthy.  Learn more about whole-food-plant-based-diets (WFPBD).

Visit the site and my website to learn more http://www.eyedoctormd.org/lifestyle-medicine/

“Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer: a Global Perspective” 2018 Report by the World Cancer Research Fund https://www.wcrf.org/…/Summary-of-Third-Expert-Report-2018.…

Check out more about the 2018 Report on the World Cancer Research Fund Website.


Good morning –

I wanted to share a photo of a patient with diabetic retinopathy (bleeding and cholesterol exudates more in one eye). I recommended the patient start Nuretin (a certified medical food with omega-3s) designed for diabetic patients and the patient understood the importance of the recommendation. When he/she returned for a follow up in 3 months, look at the improved amount or rather decrease in the retinal hemorrhages in his/her left eye.  This is without any change in medication or diet but only the addition of this powerful supplement – Nuretin by PRN.

Fill out the  and have the PRN company call and educate you about proper nutrition and omega-3s to help you and prevent diabetic retinopathy or progression of your retinopathy.

Read more on our Diabetes page 


Have you tried everything else for dry eye and it has not worked? Do you have recurrent styes? Do you have uncontrolled rosacea?

Then you have to try IPL – Intense Pulse Light!

Read a wonderful case report about the benefits of IPL for dry eye disease in the Ophthalmology Management Magazine by Dr. Periman

Read the research about IPL on Dr. Pradhan’s IPL information page

See a treatment being done in our office:
Video of Dr. Pradhan talking about IPL (same as video #1 below)
Video of Dr. Pradhan and a patient (same as video #2 below)

Get excited to try some new and something that works for dry eye disease and chronic blepharitis/styes/eyelid inflammation and rosacea all at the same time!

Call us today at 804-270-3333 or email Dr. Pradhan at drpradhan@eyedoctormd.org  Call us to schedule a visit today.

Dr. Pradhan is the first and only ophthalmologist in the Richmond area using an IPL for dry eye disease!